Saturday 27 October 2012

Review: October Rubybox and Eye Lash Curler

Good Morning Pretties,

I'm not into doing a whole beauty box review whatsoever (but will do the products I've tried and tested and feel are Dressed In The City review worthy), and initially I wasn't going to do a review on any of the products received in the October Rubybox, and I'll get to the reason now, but I feel that it's important to give credit where credit is due. 

I've been a loyal subscriber of Glambox SA, and recently they collaborated with Rubybox, I feel when two companies melt together, it's to bring something even more exciting and bigger to the table ~ however, this collaboration has been nothing but a let down.  If you've been a loyal follower of my blog, you might know that I'm big into packaging, it's the same when you receive a present, when someone has taken the time and effort to give your pressie in a beautiful bag or wrapping, it makes one super excited to rip it open and see what's inside.

The new beauty boxes leaves little to be desired for, the boxes firstly are shaped in a rectangular form, which I find odd, it's also not good quality and inside you find the products wrapped in a teeny bit of scrappy papers.  Honestly, the look is enough to put me off even wanting to find out what they've sent me, and when opening the undesirable packaging, I'm met with a couple of scraps of samples/products.  I sincerely hope they're going to read all the criticism on the net and improve the next box, I wanted to unsubscribe but thought let me give them one last chance, so here's hoping we're met with a glamorous November box filled with out of this world goodies :)

Onto something that pleasantly surprised me, the box contained an eye lash curler, and first I thought okay, that's not a biggie, I mean it's just an eye lash curler right?  Totally not true, I have short and straight eyelashes, this is what I have to deal with everyday:

I'm always on the lookout for that magic tool that will give me va-va-voom lashes, and this little beauty did not disappoint.  It curled my lashes in the fastest time, about 10 seconds each eye and I had beautifully curled lashes ~ I then coated them with two coats of my L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara, let it dry and then only at the base pressed for another 5 - 7 seconds, and these are the results (they lasted the whole day) ~ I know some people heat their eye lash curlers, but I don't think that's healthy for your lashes and I certainly don't want to end up with even more sparse lashes than I already have:

The eye lash curler comes with two additional sponges, I've tried looking on their website to see what the pricing is, but can't find it anywhere, so if you're interested in one of these perhaps just contact them here

Hope you enjoyed this post beauties, and please subscribe to my blog and always stay fabulous?


  1. love your makeup!

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. make sure you've entered my giveaway to win 30 beauty products inc essie! it's worldwide too, click here!


  2. Amazing post!

    2 words.. LOVE IT!



  3. Find your blog review. follow the link

  4. Nice post and pics. Great. Have a nice day.

  5. That curler looks great on your eyes :)
    I love it!!


  6. pretty pretty
    xx the cookies
    share the feeling
    visit <3
    enjoy your evening!


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