Sunday 3 March 2013

New In: Lee Stafford Hair Growth Shampoo & Conditioner

Hi my Beauties,

As you may know if you've been reading my blog for some time, I am completely and utterly a hair person.  I could be wearing the most fabulous outfit with the most amazing make-up, but if my hair does not look the way I want it to be, I'll have such a bad day.  My hair literally determines my mood for the day LoL ;)

My hair is in desperate need of a trim and colour, and I'm counting down the days to Saturday for my hair appointment so I can put some bounce and shine back into them.  About a year ago I succumed to the ombre trend, my hair was only shoulder length, it looked great but I quickly grew tired of it.  I generally have really healthy hair, but when I ombre'd it-it really took a lot out of my hair, and a year later my ends still fades quicker after I've dyed it.  So needless to say, I got really happy when I saw the new range from Lee Stafford at Clicks, and couldn't wait to give it a try:

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Shampoo and Conditioner ~ R95.00 (Clicks) 200ml each:
With Pro-Growth complex for strength from within ... A protein based complex to fertilize your follicles, creating a healthy environment on the scalp to help hair grow faster and reach its maximum potential length.
Yes please, fertilize my hair!  Hahaaa ... how funny is that, but on a serious note, hair is made from protein so it's always a really good ingredient to look for in hair products, and I specifically used the Kardashians on my pics because they are known for their long and lovely locks.  Rest assure, I'm well aware they make use of extensions, but even so, most of us would love to have natural long hair like them right?  It's far too early to give you my verdict on these two new beauties I purchased, generally my hair grows fast anyway, but I want to see if this actually helps it to grow even faster, and does it help with volume and the general condition of my hair.
I absolutely adore his products and have tried out most of them in the range, firstly, look at the packaging, it's PINK!  I mean come on, walking down the aisle these beauties are bound to catch your eye, and rest assure, as attention grabbing as the products themselves are, when you use them your hair will get the same reaction.
I've used these products twice, and my hair feels really soft and smells amazing.  When you pop the lid open this beautiful buttery sweetness hits your nose, and that same fragrance will cling to your hair.
He also brought out a new argan oil product, which I can't wait to get my hands on next month.  His products is a bit more expensive than the usual drugstore ones, but well worth the investment, especially if your philosophy about your hair is the same as mine.  And in the words of the lovely man who created these products:
"Have fun, look wicked, smell BEAutiful"!
*  Lee Stafford is against animal testing, if you want to read more have a look here.


  1. I absolutely love your blog :D!! I have really long hair, so I know what you mean about it changing your mood haha!!

    I'm using John Frieda's Full Repair Mask at the moment and LOVE it :) - I'm also giving it away as part of my giveaway!

    India xox The Jewel Beauty Blog |Beauty,Lifestyle & Fashion! - Chanel, Elemis & John Frieda Giveaway!!

    1. Thank you so much lovely, haha so glad I'm not alone! We're hair people and that's that ;) I have heard good things about John Frieda, thanks so much for the recommendation I will have to give it a try sometime xoxo

  2. I LOVE all of the Lee Stafford products, they all smell incredible! I love the salt spray.. and the dry shampoo :) I'm so pleased his products are sold out of the UK now :) xxx

    Gem ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. I know I love the smell, it truly smells wicked ;) I also have the salt spray, but I have to say that I don't like the look of it, but it's just a preference you know. :-) xo

  3. I'm such a hair person as well, I agree though it really makes a massive difference to your whole look! Will definitely need to check these out

    A little bit Unique


    1. I highly recommend these babe, women and our hair LoL. xo

  4. I love your blog

  5. I have to try this like asap . Great review & post .

    xo Meg<3

    Meghan Silva's Blog

  6. I haven't seen these, but I love his Big hair range. :)

    1. They've just come out, so you'll be able to get them at Clicks :-)

  7. haha, im big on hair products as well. just because i dye my hair so much and the ends are as dry as the desert.
    thanks for the post. maybe i'll have to try out this product sometime in the future. probably not anytime soon since i still have dozens of hair products to get through T-T

    xoxo Sarah

    1. Me too, well I haven't dyed my hair in a few months but I regularly do, plus all the heat and things isn't too good. You have to, honestly, it works like a charm and smells yumm :-) xoxo

  8. I have this in a treatment and works wonders. My hair is already almost down to my butt so I don't really need it to be growing any longer, but I like my hair long and this formula really boosts it!
    Hope this works wonders for you babe! xx

    1. Wow down to your butt hey hun ... how lucky you are!! Thanks so much babe :) xoxo

  9. I'm a Lee Stafford virgin but since I've undertook the task of 'Operation Make Kerry's Hair Long' I think these will have to be my first purchase! I love the packaging (like you said - PINK) so I'll keep my eye out in Boots.
    Also, I know they have hair extensions but still - MASSIVE hair envy for the Kardashians
    Kerry | Kerralina x
    P.S. I'm having a giveaway if you wanted to take a peek!

    1. Haha your comment made me laugh so funny! I know right, I think most women dream of having hair like theirs although we know it's 100 % not au-natural ;) x x

  10. I haven't tried that range yet. But maybe I should.

    1. You should! I use their heat protectant sprays, I want to also buy the new oil treatment for hair, but it's a bit expensive ;) but I love his products. They work :) x

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I bought this product the other day and used it for the first time last night. i Liked it of course! I usually wash my hair every second night, but because this is for hair growth, i was thinking it might be intensified by using it more often. What do you think??
    :D :D :D

    1. Hi Ester, as a side-note, washing your hair everyday strips it of natural oils, your natural oil is actually not only moisturising but also helps with hair growth. I wouldn't suggest washing your hair everyday, rather keep it every second day :) x

  13. Great blog with interesting infos. I like to read it.


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