Monday 1 July 2013

Let's Talk Skin # 2 ~ The Lazy Girls Guide to Youthful Skin

Hi Beauties,

I hope you had a fab day!

Quite a while ago I started a series called Let's Talk Skin, and I never got around to doing more of these, and I found the perfect product to get the ball rolling again.
Isabella Garcia Ultra Advanced Firming-Up Gel available online
What it says:
This advanced gel contains plant extracts to enhance the condition of the skin.  Apply after cleansing and toning.  Pat gently over the eye area.  Users over 28 can apply over the whole face.
My thoughts:
I couldn't think of a more appropriate name than calling it THE product for the lazy girl.  The Ultra Advanced Firming-Up Gel is my go-to treatment.  It's the perfect product whether you're feeling lazy or looking for a one-step product.  Some nights I'm so tired, you know those nights where you just want to fall into bed, it's so easy to use, just wash your face, tone (optional on really lazy nights) and then gently rub into your whole face.  Or it can be used just as an eye-gel.  What's not to love?
It's honestly an all in one product, above all, it works wonders!  I can feel the difference when I've used this, my skin feels tighter.  It's a gentle but effective anti-ageing gel, and although anti-ageing products work best in the long run, I can see and feel the difference when I haven't been using this.  It's also perfect for sensitive or breakout prone skin, very gentle but effective.
I've been using the Isabella Garcia skincare range for approximately a year, they always have amazing deals and specials on, so I've never purchased single products but in bulk, the last deal they had was a full skincare package suitable for your skin type for just over R2000, however, the products will last you 8 - 12 months!
And the best bit, is that they are cruelty free :-)


  1. This looks really good! I'm definitely tempted to try it.
    Gorgeous blog xxx

    The perks of being a hipster

  2. I need something like this one product to take care of all my aging needs . Great post .

  3. It sounds amazing! Excellent review!

  4. These sound amazing! They are very pricey though.


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