Tuesday 7 April 2015

The Body Shop Drops of Youth: Bouncy Sleeping Mask *Review*

Hi Beauts,

I hope you had a lovely long Easter weekend, I can't believe how quickly 4 days go by.  Honestly, it's ridiculous.  I feel like when you're an adult, time goes by so fast - remember in school how long it took from the start of a semester to the holidays {ages}?  Lol.

I heard about this product from one of my fave YouTubers Sami Erzen in one of her recent video's.  I'm always on the hunt for anti-ageing products!  Honestly, I get so depressed when I see more wrinkles appearing ;) okay, slightly over-dramatic here but anything that promises to turn back the hands of time needs to appear in my regime.

I don't don't have a lot of wrinkles, I think I have the normal amount for people my age, and no, I really don't want to do botox.  Good on you if you have it - I'm all for a bit of help - but I'm deathly afraid of needles so I don't know which I fear most, wrinkles or botox? 

Now I'm going to put this out there.  Normally these types of products take a while to work, but not this! I've had this for say just over 3 weeks, and I've noticed a significant reduction in the appearance of my forehead wrinkles.  They already appear more plump and smooth in such a short time, so can you imagine what it's going to look like in a year's time?  

The product itself is rather weird, and I get the term bouncy because of the "gel-like" texture which almost is a mixture between gel and mousse, it definitely seems to bounce.  I don't think I've ever tried anything that's exactly like this.  Anyway, I immediately thought mask meant a once or twice treatment, but this is actually a substitute for your night time moisturizer.  

I love that it comes with a little spatula, I hate putting my fingers into products, it grosses me out, anyway, I'd say about the size of a R1 coin is enough for your whole face, just dab it all over and rub in it (after cleansing and the whole caboodle).  It feels really nice and smooth on the skin, the reason it is only for night time use, is because once you've applied it, it goes kind of sticky and tacky for about an hour or two, and only then does it start sinking into your skin.  I normally sleep on my side, but I hate the feeling of having sticky stuff on my face against the pillow, so I've gotten into a routine where I apply this early enough so by the time I go to bed, it's more of a thickening moisturizer.

It smells incredible, it's not too fragrant but it has a very clean smell.  There seems to be quite a bit of product too, so although you'll probably end up using this daily, it should last you quite some time.  Like I said, I've had it just over 3 weeks and it doesn't look like I've used half of it yet.

I did pick up the eye concentrate too, and the review will be up this week.

Have a FABulous day!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for reading my blog ~ I truly appreciate it! You can also email me if you have a specific question or comment {dressedinthecity@yahoo.co.za} <3 <3

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