Thursday 25 April 2013

Prettyness for Your Wedding Day

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Hi my Beauties,

Contrary to what most people would say, your wedding day is a day you will remember forever, granted, many things your guests won't remember and you could probably avoid a lot of faffing with things that don't really count, but trust me, investing in your wedding look for the day is something you'll forever be grateful for.  You will be reminded of it every time you look at your wedding photos:
You can buy these fabulous pieces here:

I absolutely adore these tiaras!  And just remember when you do have a statement piece like this, you need little else with your wedding dress and princess wedding shoes.

If you've seen my anniversary post in January 2013, you may have noticed that I wore this gorgeous flower clip in my hair, it was quite expensive as it was handmade by my dress designer, I don't regret investing in such a piece at all, and although I don't think I'd be able to convince my daughter one day to wear my wedding dress, perhaps I'd be able to hand her a beautiful piece like this.

If you're planning your wedding remember the most important thing ~ Have FUN and don't stress about the little things!  As long as you look beautiful whatever may go wrong on your day is not a big deal.


  1. Those are very pretty indeed!! I've been catching up on your blog - lovely!
    Have a beautiful weekend

    1. Thanks so much Bailz! I love that you read my blog LOL ~ you're a celebrity everytime I get a comment from you my heart just gives a little flutter. Thanks for being such a down to earth and kind person :-) x x


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for reading my blog ~ I truly appreciate it! You can also email me if you have a specific question or comment {} <3 <3

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