Sunday 2 December 2012

Lady Gaga South-Africa: OOTN

Hi Lovelies,

A few months ago a certain mega pop-star announced that she is coming to South-Africa as part of her Born This Way Ball worldwide tour, and to say that caused a bit of excitement amongst us little monsters is the understatement of the year.

I still remember the day the tickets went live, my brothers girlfriend took the day off to buy us all tickets, from the time of opening everyone got bumped into a queue, people went a bit gaga-crazy on twitter and most of us struggled to get tickets.  Needless to say we got them in the end thanks to my wonderful mom who had to go into computicket to book our seats, and of course I then started planning what I was going to wear.  Now I know a lot of people like to imitate Lady Gaga and that's fine if it's your thing, but to me, her main message is celebrating who you are as an individual.  I love anything girly and sparkly, so I knew it was going to be bright with lots of bling and not forgetting my beloved smokey eye.

I was unsure if I wanted to wear flats and in the end I decided to go with these, and I was so glad I did, the parking was situated quite far from the stadium, and it's so massive inside that I ended up walking more than I expected, not to mention the little run when we heard the music playing and we still had 4 levels to go upwards.  Needless to say the run was all for nothing as we still ended up sitting for about 20 minutes before the show started (so my exercise has been done for the next month) hehe.
Plain White Vest Top:  Mr Price
Purple Skater Skirt:  Mr Price
Pointy Flats:  Cotton On
Hair Extensions:  Cliphair Ltd
The stage was so beautiful, it was a castle but looked different with every song due to clever lighting, and the band was stationed in different areas in the castle whom we got a peak of every now and again as the stage opened.  Lady Gaga made her grand entrance on a horse, the whole feel of the concert was definitely sci-fi alien(esque).  I didn't expect anything less from her.
As soon as she came on stage, you could feel her presence, she's a mega star for a reason, she filled the whole stadium and we were left in awe and wonder of her.
This was my favourite dress of the night, I would totally wear something like this, and she also wore this beautiful pink dress with an amazing hat, which unfortunately I didn't take a picture of.
The show was the most amazing concert I have seen, the choreography, lighting and set up was extroadinary, with loads of suprises, heart-felt moments and a few bits of shockers too, like her entrance made via a "lady bit" LoL. 
Regardless of your thoughts of her, what I saw was someone that truly cares and loves her fans, above all, she encourages us all to be proud of who we are, and not care what people think or say of us.  That is an inspiring message I hope we all will live by.


  1. Love that dress! You looked great! How exciting that you got to see her in concert!

    1. Aww thanks lovely ... indeed we were! Especially seeing that we're in South-Africa, no big superstar ever comes here :) hehe. xo

  2. You looked fabulous!!!! Beautiful lady;-) Love the purple.

  3. Loooove your dress and makeup.. and shoes and arm candies.. hair.. what not..
    And lucky u!!

  4. Sounds like so much fun, and you look gorgeous in the purple skirt! I agree with you, Lady Gaga sends a good message to all of her fans... and I've heard such amazing things about her concerts!

    xx Ellie 

    1. Thanks so much Ellie :) totally her concert was so amazing, I've seen two artists before that I'll never forget. Britney Spears Onyx Hotel Tour and now Lady Gaga.

  5. You Look Amazing! The colour suits you so well*

  6. You're so beautiful! Perfect concert outfit... You look lovely!
    Concert looks amaze... I'm not a Gaga fan but sounds like it was amazing.

    1. Ahh no coming from someone as lovely as you blush that's too sweet! Bless You! :) xo


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