Monday 17 December 2012


Hey Pretties,

If you haven't seen this super important post check it out here.

You may or may not know ;) that there's literally 10's of thousands of beauty and fashion blogs in the world, exciting right?  It definitely is, but it also means that as a blogger who takes her hobby very seriously {that's me if you don't know LoL}, it means that there is a certain amount of pressure to stay on top things.  Perhaps I'm the only blogger that feels this?  But there certainly is always an amount of competition amongst us all.

I truly am grateful and so happy that my blog has grown so tremendously since my very first post, which was done on 29 September 2012, I also at this moment in time have 137 GFC followers with almost 11000 pageviews.  It has taken a lot of hard work and time to do this, blogging isn't always easy, it certainly is loads of fun, but it takes prep work and time to do it properly.  And one can always see those bloggers who take short cuts, who haven't really put in the time and effort ~ and I certainly won't be one of them.

Being married, mommy to 3 furries and working a 9 - 5 job can be challenging, top that with the fact that my husband has a very difficult and demanding job as manager, we've been trying to have a baby for 2 1/2 years and general life, I have had to make the decision as to what is important to me.  I've also asked the question whether at times I'm truly present in the moment, or am I so consumed by the fact that everything I do is for my blog, some purchases I've made purely for blogging reasons and that is certainly not the way to live life, I don't just want to do or be somewhere purely for the fact that I want to feature it on my blog.

Now at the age of 31, I am past the years where I feel that I have to impress anyone ~ trust me, it's one of the positive things that comes with age, is being totally comfortable with being you.  I don't want to live my life just to capture moments on my blog, and as much as I adore and love sharing things with you, it's more important for me to be present in every moment.  My husband works long hours, and when he eventually comes home, I want to spend those few precious moments with him, before he has to continue working from home too.  I was diagnosed with stage 3 endometriosis in November 2011, I had a laporoscopy and hysteroscopy with our fertility doctor and he removed it all, but he had advised that because he cut it out, he thinks it'll take about 18 months before it comes back.  Endometriosis is one of those conditions that has a 50/50 chance of coming back, I think it's easier to deal with the pain that comes along with this condition every month, but the worst thing is the fact that it has a high percentage of making a women infertile.  Also the fact that I'm already 31 doesn't really help ~ I guess what I'm saying is that I need to make more me and hubby/family time. 

Coupled with the fact that I no longer support brands who regularly release new product lines such as MAC and Revlon to name but a few, I don't know if a lot of readers will still be interested if I don't jump on the bandwagon when some new hip product comes out.  I'm not saying that I'll disappear from the blogging scene forever ~ but at this moment in time I don't want to spend as much time blogging, I don't want to live for moments but I want to live in them!

Please do still check out my facebook and twitter page for updates!

Much Love,


  1. Beautiful lady, thank you for sharing your honest and painful struggles with us. I will always be a fan of your blog because it's real and you blog about different things. You don't follow stupid trends like other SA bloggers. I will forever be a fan!!!! May you and your husband stay strong and be blessed. Lots of love. Xxx And thank you for supporting my blog:-)

    1. Ahh lovely this is so sweet of you! I appreciate your comment from the bottom of my heart ~ what a sweet soul you have! God Bless you doll, and 100% still reading blogs!!!! I will literally I don't what but something terrible will happen to me if I don't read blogs anymore hehe ;). Love xoxo

  2. Such a beautiful post love! I completely feel the exact same way occasionally. While I enjoy blogging, it does feel like a competition sometimes, like high school even! Trying to keep up with the "in" crowd and trying so hard to make our blogs perfect but what's more important in life? Our family and our health! Way more important than putting on a front and doing things purely for blogging.

    You're an unbelievably strong and beautiful young lady who I've become so fond of! I would much rather you take care of yourself and spend your time with your Husband than spending your time blogging. Blogging shouldn't be a chore, but you also shouldn't be expected not to put yourself first!

    I have nothing but well wishes for you and your Husband and will continue to keep you in my prayers!

    Biggest of hugs!!!

    1. So happy I'm not the only one that felt that pressure beauty, I honestly thought I'm the only one. Precisely, you said it so well. Your comment is so sweet lovely, and I've become fond of you too!! I've met the sweetest people through my blog and for that I will forever be grateful for. I appreciate your prayers so much doll, seriously!! It means the world!! Love xoxo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good on you girl! I realised I felt the same about buying products just for the sake of blogging so made a conscious effort not to! Who cares about the 'latest' mascara if you've found one that's perfect for you already? I'll look forward to reading your occasional posts :) x

    1. Ahh bless you Laura! I'm honestly happy to see that other women have felt the same things I have. Exactly I agree with you 100 %! Thanks so much I truly appreciate your continued support, it means so much! xo

  5. Very well written girl. I totally understand where you are and what stage of your life you have reached. To be honest, im like that too. I always buy things which im happy with and i dont always go shopping to write it up on my blog. I do share my inspirations from fashion and everyday life and things i do. I think your right, its too much pressure to just do things to make others happy. Very well said. Pls take care of yourself and i hope your fine. Would love you to visit my blog sometime and hear your thoughts. :)

    1. Hi Lovely ~ This is such a sweet message thanks so much!!! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that feels this way, it seems like most bloggers just kind of go with it all and never seems to feel the same pressure. Thanks so much babe, you too and I'll def have a squizz :-) xo

    2. absolutely my pleasure! thank you for your kind words, and ive followed back on GFC :) ive followed u on twitter as well and fb if you like! :) let me know...ill surely follow yr blog. like it al ot..will keep visiting.

    3. This is one of the things I love about blogging, is meeting and finding new blogs :-) Have a fabulous day lovely xoxo

  6. This is such a fresh perspective and also having started blogging recently,I get what you are saying! It should not take away from life, but rather be an expression of who you are, and done when you want and feel the need to post.

    All the best with your endometriosis, and for sharing. I have recovered from a cervical cancer episode, 4 years ago (also around the age of 31 at the time!) and I agree, your family and presence in their lives are most important!

    Good luck
    Rushda xoxo

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and sharing your story Rushda! And good luck with your blog, it makes me happy to see when people understand and feel the same way I do :-) ... thanks so much, and I wish you health in the years to come! Family is the most important, second to that your health ~ that is true wealth and people confuse that with monetary things. Thanks again for visiting my blog I truly appreciate it xoxo

  7. Such a beautiful, inspiring and very honest post absolutely enjoyed reading it.

    PS. I received your message on bloggers and would love to follow each other if you like. Come visit me soon and Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family.

    <3 Marina

  8. great post - i think your blog is great! very cute!


  9. When I saw on twitter that you're taking a break, I wanted to just drop by anyway. Im seeing this post a month after it was published.

    I think that sometimes you have to put things in perspective & evaluate everything you do that takes you away from those you love, be it a job, people whatever. One day when I have a special person I hope that I can see clear enough to not get clouded by my blogging goals.

    All the best with everything!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment pretty! You have hit the nail on the head. One day you WILL find someone special ~ We all have someone out there for us. xoxo

  10. I miss your blog posts! But I understand your reasons completely though.
    Sterkte met als, dink aan jou!

  11. Hey Love,

    I completely understand why you are taking a break, family and health should always come first. Going to miss you and will look forward to when you do post.

  12. Ahhh, what a beautiful post! Sad and yet so heartfelt and beautiful. I am in love with your blog already!


    1. Aww thank you that's incredibly sweet I appreciate it :-) xo


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for reading my blog ~ I truly appreciate it! You can also email me if you have a specific question or comment {} <3 <3

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